Let’s make the most of the British Summer Time and get out in the sunshine while it lasts. We have lots of ideas and activities you can do with the kids.

All of these activities are free and require little to no equipment other than what you find on the beach. Get competitive and see who the winner can be. Winner gets an ice cream treat. 

Obstacle Course

Use stones, towels and bits of driftwood you find on the beach to set up your own course. Time each other completing the course. Who has the fastest time?


Take a football down to the beach and set up some goals. You do play one on one, teams or if you are on your own do some target practice. 

Racket & Ball 

Set up your own course in the sand and have a game. Just make sure you have enough space so no one get’s injured as you’re scoring a point. 

Buried Treasure

Take it in turns or ask a parent to bury a a shell, fossil or other prize in the sand. Who can find the most treasure?

Beach Bowling

Build sandcastles in a row or make a course from it. Using a ball or round stone how many can you knock down in a certain amount of turns?

Seashell Hunting

Our beaches are full of the most amazing shells in all colours, shapes and sizes. How many different shells can you find? Use your Shell ID guide the Summer Activity Pack to identify which animal the shells come from. 


You can use a piece of driftwood or just someone’s arm to play limbo. Take turns to see who can get the closest to the ground as the bar gets lower and lower. 

Tug of War 

You don’t need a rope or a team to play tug of war. Grab a towel and put a line in the sand. The winner is the person who pulls most of the towel and even the other person over the line. 

Maze Design

Use stones, shells and peices of wood to create a maze in the sand. Challenge each other to see who can complete the maze in the fastest time. 

Beach Pictionary

Can you draw a picture for the other one to guess. No talking! As you are at the beach make it seaside themed and not too complicated. If there is more than two of you ask the third person to come up with the words. 

Musical Towels 

Heard of musical chairs? Well this is the same but with towels. Play some music from a phone and stop it periodically. If you don’t have a lot of towels reduce the sides of the towel that the person can sit on. The can only be one winner!

Simon Says

Chose who will be the leader. They will give instructions e.g. put your hands on your head. If the leader give a Simon Says… instruction and you follow it, you’re out. 

Sand Angels or Mermaids

 Lay down in the sand and move your hands and legs up and down to make an angel shape. 

Bury your legs in the sand and create a mermaid tail using shells and stones.

Sand Races

Who can get to the sea first or cross the finish line in the fastest time. Get someone to time you with their phone and find the fastest person. You could even add it obstacles to make it more interesting. 

Beach Tic Tac Toe

Create a 3 x 3 grid in the sand. Take it in turns to draw x’s and o’s into the grid horizontally, vertically and diagonally to see who can get 3 in a row. Best out of 3 to see who is the winner?