On Water

  • Location

    The Lockoffice, Hartlepool Marina, TS24 0RU
  • Contact Number

    01429 452321
  • Website

    Click here

Try your hand at a new activity at Hartlepool Marina. It involves standing up… and paddling – sounds quite quirky, but it’s great fun learning. Why try it? It’s a good laugh with friends and provides a surprisingly strong core body workout!

Duration: 1 hour (15 minutes preparation / 45 minutes on water)

Equipment provided: Full length wetsuit, personal flotation device, board paddle and leash.

Spectator friendly: Yes

Hartlepool boasts an award winning marina promoting up to 500 fully services berths including our new drive on drive off docking for smaller craft alongside a 40 ton travel hoist, boatyard and amenity facilities for the long and short term visitor and a unique selection of water activities for your crew, friends or family. The marina is surrounded by a cosmopolitan mix of bistros, bars, cates, restaurants and entertainment options. It is ideally placed for quick access to and from the open sea or for cruising in the sheltered waters of the Tees Bay.